Sunday, December 12, 2004

Reflections in TRACOM

tml will be the first day of my posting to K-9, Dog Unit. I feel very relieved that i can finally get out of this place without seeing all those people again for the next 2 yrs. but overall i feel that there could be a room for improvement as in interacting and communication. During these 5 months of training, these people are what i called, "NATO" No Action, Talk Only!! Because whenever anyone in the squad do wrongly or even correctly, they will still talk behind their backs. And dont wish to tell that person what went wrong. i dont feel good interacting with these guys, so as a result, i was alone most of the time, but i dont care..i do my things that is according to my conscience and dont really bother about them..they are really really very childish. i confess that i wasnt prepared for the squad, treatment and mentality God have given to me during my enlistment, is a test to me. Yet i prepared physically for myself which i didnt exercise at

my supervisor have taught me alot of valuable lessons in life..
1) Dont complain! If you want, do it after you have completed the task been given to you.
2) Do everything in moderation.
3) Sometimes, silence is really golden to you.

but i do know that whatever they did to me, i didnt do bad back to them..i leave it to God..What goes around comes around..that all for today..hopefully tomorrow posting out to that unit will be a new experience to me...

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