Monday, July 04, 2005

Life in K-9 (26)

yesterday went to bugis.. wow.. so many people went there for the food festival.. people mountain people sea.. i have to walk crab style..

mito is in my team kennel.. that means the handler is in my team now.. hai.. those who know, will know what are the difficulties between the former handler and the present handler..

ssgt teo, service no 3120.. an officer from portsdown.. stop abusing your authority.. have a chat with most of the guys at there.. all hate you... now you have one more in the list.. and that me.. you dont deserve the rank.. only know how to carry balls.. yet on the other hand, eat up those low-ranking than you..

i was coming in for portsdown shift 2.. ever since i came in from day 1, we dont need to report to the main gate.. even if those officers ask, they ask in a welcome, friendly tone.. guess what tone he use on me? he use a scolding tone on me.. here goes the conversation:

Teo: "hello!! what is your name ah!!"
Me: "Gary"
Teo: " Can you report to the main gate first before you put your things!!"
Me: "huh?"
Teo: "Gary what!!"

i got no time to shoot back before another officer stop me and ask me to go in.. is like been scolded for no reason.. argh.. one more time he did this again.. i make sure my complain goes up to the authority.. fellow humans been treated like this.. only know how to use rank.. pls use your basic social manners.. such a disappointment..

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