Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Job fit

Somehow or rather, my worst fears came true. Way before this attachment starts, i already got information that i will be working in this industry. I know myself best in terms of strength and weakness. I was given a choice in working in another industry but given that i already make that choice in the first place, i might as well stick to my choice and see how it goes. It was something that i wont regret no matter what the end results will be, as been in a job scope that im rather weak in. I would take it as an experience gained rather than an opportunity lost.

How wrong i am!

The environment itself is like a war zone. The expectations from both sides (customers and management) is beyond what i could have imagined. What you say to customers must not be offending to them to such a point that a PR script is readied in case you unable to answer the queries.

After 2 months of guarding the gate no matter how hard i try, management isnt pleased with the performances and pull me out. They have put me in another dept where i could brush up my soft skills.

Oh well, the remaining 2 months attachment is the last chance for me, if not i would have to redo the 6 months attachment again.

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