Friday, October 16, 2009


Currently im on 6 months attachment and the environment suits me. Fast-paced but very stressful. However, the only downside of the job is when you did something wrong, the consequences is double-fold.

I have 4 months to go before my attachment ends, and with the only route after graduation is to work. And i got to make a major decision which allows me to stay after my attachment or to find another company.

That's where my dilemma comes in. I know the economy is picking up and banks have started hiring people. I also know that i have to start from bottom of the ladder and gain experience before jumping ship or whatsoever. I need to find something that really interests me.

Im quite interested being a trader, be it in forex or stock. But i need the certification before being a trader. Im still keeping my options open should my current attachment have openings for a full-time job.

At the mean time, the road ahead is dark and unclear to me.

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