Sunday, December 13, 2009

Help in vain

On 23 Nov 2009, Parliament in Singapore amended a Bill to have stiff penalties directed at those loansharks, especially those at the top-ranking in the hierachy. In the first place, the government anticipated this problem to occur when the world was facing financial crisis in Sep 2008.

Knowing that there will be a rise in this particular crime, shouldnt the government have done something more to prevent it?

Granted that jobs will lost in the recession, overhead costs will be down and spending power will be less, yet there is a minority of people whose income level is less than 30k per annum, is rejected by the banks or financial institution when they need genuine help? Where do they go to? Plead with their ministers when they went for 'Meet-the-People' session? Seeking financial assistance from other support groups? Or finding loansharks to seek their help?

So now, the Bill had been amended but social problems will still be around. With the Intergrated Resorts in operation next year, it will be a losing fight if the government still not going to do something to help those needy people. Banks or financial institution only granted or approved loans to those whose income level is more than 30k. Yes, considering part of the social problems have to do with gambling, but what about those who really need help in their utilities bills, groceries, transport, etc? Will the support groups able to help those given the red tape?


Anonymous said...

Nice post! GA is also my biggest earning. However, it’s not a much.

garylee402 said...

Thanks. But may I know what's GA?