hai.. i seem to be the storage room for all the problems that my team face.. my team, to those people who know, are so-called the best team.. to let the other teams see how our team should be run.. but behind the smoke-screen, problems seem to be surfacing every now and then..
base guard.. yesterday's tour, manpower was stretched to the max.. yup, is the weekend.. we got 3 base guard, 2 regulars and 1 ns personnel.. so after i was done with my prison duty(p1)..i claim EHO and inform my DTL and team members.. but to my horror, the DTL say that if enough man, then can claim.. but i reiterated by saying that my team members say ok already.. then the DTL LL, and let me claim.. but can you imagine my look in the face when i saw EDD personnel resting after their ops.. are they not your men, DTL? cant they help out in the base guard?
well, if that the case, i might as well sign on as a regular.. why.. because regular get to rest after their ops.. while the ns personnel work for 12 hrs.. training then go for prison duty.. or after prison duty come back and do base guard..
our team is so divided.. playing a game of politics between GPGD and EDD personnel.. hence, even we SD are not spared.. we are always on our toes especially while working..
further more, our TL suggestion was so cute and funny that we felt that he has shot himself in the foot.. he say that the deployment will rotated each month so as to let those in GPGD learn..
im sick and tired of it.. even one of the member want to quit this team and join other team.. and rumors have been circulating that another member will be kick out.. hai..