Thursday, September 21, 2006

Working arrangements

just by stating some facts on work, i pay a price for it..

- heard from my colleague that i was rude to other colleagues.. ok.. i accepted the comment before adding on that in the midst of working, they come in and ask me what to do.. but they know how to do..

- when i need help in work, the help is not there.. when i no need help, other sections will come and help.. before i voice out, i was working alone.. the work required at least 2 persons to do in order to meet the deadline..

by voicing out, the only consolation that i got from my supervisor is the help will be mobilised within our team if i cant do it alone.. and not from other sections.. im actually quite happy with the arrangements..

want to know what consequences i got by voicing out??

a standoff with a full time co-ordinator..

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