Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One year on - Part 1 of 3

When I first started this job one year ago, I have no idea how my colleagues' working personalities or the way they work, until 3 months into the job. Not 1, but 2 of them.

J, when I first met her, she was friendly, chatty and in a way make you comfortable in a new environment. But after I got the hang of managing on my own, I realised the full extent of her working capabilities. Im not sure whether she was able to cope or work just for the sake it. She can do mistakes on her work without realising it until someone point out to her. Normally, people will do systematically from A to B to C. But for her, she can do A to C then back to B.

We try explaining to her in a nice way to correct her mistakes, but her brain cant seem to understand the methods that we implied and she will still carry on doing it. In the end, we have to do double work for her. My other bosses have to restort to scolding her in order to get things done and corrected.

Lunch time with her is a torturing time. We will speak on a common topic and later she will cut in and start another different topic where there is no link to it. She will yak and yak and yak during lunch time when all we wanted to have some peace in eating our lunch.

A few months later where we have to reshuffle of projects and workload, my bosses reduced her work load so much yet she still able to commit mistakes. Before her 1 year contract was up, she told us that she will continue working in our company before graduating from her further studies. A few days later, she handed her resignation letter much to our shock and dismay.

To us, the resignation is a blessing in disguise. Mistakes were reduced to a significant level.

Next up, the MC queen.

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