Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The call

0511pm, my hp rings.. 9xxxxxx9.. this no very familiar.. eh, is my ex-friend's hp no.. i didnt pick up the first time as i donno why she called in the first place.. so the phone stop, i heaved a sigh of relief..

0512pm, same no again.. i was feeling very uneasy and piss off seeing the no now.. what does she want? so i took a deep breath and pick up the call..

me: "hello?"
caller: "where are you?"
me: "who is this?"
caller: "NICOLE!! where are you?"
me: "huh?"
caller: "where are you?"
me: "at home.."
caller: "eh..wait a min, hai.. called the wrong gary.."

i end the call without saying anything.. my no is still with her.. is it because i will give a prank call to her.. or sms to her.. i wont do that so long as the friendship is not there.. i have already deleted the no when the friendship is over..

note to someone whom i believe still read my blog.. pls delete the no as i dont want to have anything to do with you..

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