Monday, August 20, 2007

Shortest interview i ever had

I had an interview scheduled at 3pm at a certain government agency recommended by my agent. The recommendation was so good that she forgotten my area of accessibility. What to do, still have to go for the interview.

I prepared all the documents, wear formal and then they say no need. Wah lan eh, but anyway, the file that i prepared is on standby mode.

The interview was done by 2 minutes the moment those ladies from finance department came in. I can still remembered those questions they ask:

- Can you tell us about your previous working experience?
- What is your job scope beside helping your warehouse supervisor?
- What excel functions you know how to do?

The last question got me off the hook: What do you do during your free time?

Somehow my mind was telling me, you are hired. True enough, my agent call me and ask me to report for work this wed. Alas, have to wear formal liao.

I like the title they have given despite the post of an accounts assistant: Finance officer. Woohoo!! Resume also look nice nice.


Anonymous said...

What do you do on your free time?

You must say, "I take pretty ladies from gahmen agencies out for dates."

Consperm win liao.

garylee402 said...

haha.. but but.. i dont want to have red tape all over me..