Thursday, November 01, 2007


a few months back, there was a craze going on.. if anyone recalled, donuts was the "in" thing at that time..

at first was a teen who set up an online website where people can order Dunkin Donuts online. i wonder what the hassle when he could have set up a franchise right in Singapore. But then again, capital cost, rent and manpower are out of reach, fair enough.

and in overnight, people decided that this is another pie to grab hold on as its going to be a trend before it fizzles out like bubble tea and coffee bread.

people are willing to queue for 2 hrs just for an associated favour donut. i think now the craze have died down and the queue is now within 30 minutes as there are other shops selling the same favour.. in business sense, supply exceed demand.. prices should have gone down.. even my area also sell donuts at $1 per piece, but no one is buying.. hah, got in at the wrong time..

frankly speaking, i have not tried any of the donuts yet as it just a piece of bread with sugar coated cream.. and when i disturb my friends about getting donuts everyday, this was her reply, "i think i getting sick of it.. im having it everytime since the craze started.. now is very norm and very gilat(sick of eating).."

my prediction for donuts: it will lasts longer than bubble tea and coffee bread, those main players will stay, but for those trying out their luck, i think they will wound up by next apr to jun..

PS: Dont take the prediction too seriously, i could be wrong.

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