Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dream - Funeral

Recently there seen to be some dreams that i can remembered after waking up. I have dreamt about airplane crashing infront of where i live.

I also dreamt of people who vomited wherever they went. Is like they vomited non-stop for no apparent reason. It wasnt an issue to blog as i didnt think of anything unusual. But it does have a relation to my incident that happened last month.

And now, i dreamt where im attending a funeral. All seem scary to me or the dreams that appeared to me. Yet i still can remembered it. I must be crazy already.

Anyway, here are the interpretations of the dreams that i had.


To dream that you are vomiting, indicates that you need to reject or discard an aspect of your life that is revolting. There are some emotions or concepts that you need to confront and then let go.

To see others vomiting in your dream, signifies false pretenses of people who try to take advantage of you.


To dream of your own funeral, symbolizes an ending to a situation or aspect of yourself. You may be repressing some of your feelings or parts of yourself and the dream may be a signal for you to recognize and acknowledge those feelings. Instead of confronting a situation, you are dealing with it by burying it and trying to forget about it. If you are nearing death, a funeral dream may relate to your feelings/anxieties about your own death.

To dream that you are at somebody else's funeral, signifies that you are burying an old relationship and closing the lid on the past. You may be letting go some of the feelings (resentment, anger, hostility toward someone) that you've been clinging onto.

To dream that you are attending a funeral for a still-living parent, suggests that you need to separate yourself from your parent's restrictions and confines. The symbolic death may give you the courage you need to take the next step toward your independence and autonomy.

To dream that you are at the funeral of an unknown person, suggests that something in your life is supposed to put to rest or put aside so that you can make room for something new. You need to investigate further what aspect or component of your life you need to let go.

Sources taken from Dream Moods.

After seeing the interpretations, i have no idea which aspect of me will be buried for good or which person whom i still have a grudge with. I really have no idea.

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