Monday, April 30, 2007

Super Auntie

i finally saw the power of a super auntie..

i was on a bus on the way to school.. packed to the brim where people have to stand on the step.. what im going to witness next, will kow-tow to the auntie..

she knock on the entrance.. wanting to get in.. the bus driver LL.. open the door for her and let her in.. she use her elbow and push her way through, stop for awhile to tap her ez-link card.. and then take a deep breath, push all her way to the middle of the bus without saying "excuse me.."

i got two kinds of people who experience the auntie's shove and see how she shoved her way through.. and two kinds of stares at her, the kind of irritated that they have been shoved.. and another was the kind of admiration that the auntie was able to shoved her way through.. im the last kind..

two thumbs up for her.. though i was hesitate to show it in front of her.. and the fact that these kind of aunties, i seen it all.. wonder why so kan cheong to get on the bus given that the bus will not move till all have boarded the bus.. or is it because of the seat available on the bus.. is not as if this is the only bus running the whole of singapore..

oh, another thing, dont stand in front when the bus door is in front of you.. the aunties will push you all the way to the back.. dont believe, try it!!

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