Saturday, May 31, 2008

Role Model

Can anyone give me the best definition of a role model? The meaning of a role model?

To me, a role model is a person that gives you sound advices in life, teach you the ropes in life and provides a leeway to give you a headstart in life. This role model can be anyone so long he/she have these 3 criteria. Not too much or difficult to ask from a role model right.

I know that this decision would not bode down well as it may sound controversial and sudden. But what are the chances of a role model that you expecting, did a mistake that tarnish all the advices, the teachings and been a provider that you have been so faithfully follow, lose all the faith that you have in him/her?

Yes, i know that a role model is not perfect. He/she is also prone to mistakes. Somehow, i feel that this mistake can be avoided. But to God's will, it have to run its course.

Somehow, my faith in him/her have wavered to such manner that i have to distance myself towards him/her.

Anyway, im going to take a break from blogging. I think i have also lost the passion for blogging already. Hope the next post will be a new, refreshing and something different from my mundane lifestyle.

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