Sunday, September 21, 2008

Heavy Heart

Im writing this post with a heavy heart.

The incident had been over a week, but it doesnt escape my notice for the damages been done. People have been telling me to prove them wrong. But to what extent do i have to prove them wrong?

Quit studies? Come out and work full time? Delete every contact and remain contactless for a period of time? Go for plastic surgery, change name, change everything and live a new life? or better still, die could be the best solution. If there is a better suggestion, pls tell me.

I do prove people wrong in the past because im not that kind of person that they have mentioned. But this time round, to prove people wrong is going to be the hardest. Im not going to put a timeline because of people's impressions. It not going to be an overnight changes. I know that i dont deserve a second chance for it but then again, every man for himself.

Ultimately, life still have to go on. For me, life has never been easy ever since a long time ago (again a long story, only people who know, i can count with one hand)

Im not that naive anymore, in a way, this incident have taught me and open my eyes. Good friends forever? Best buddies? Let me know if you still could find one during bad times.

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