Thursday, April 28, 2005

Life in K-9 (14)

these few days been quite busy as our training team have to go to airport to see new dogs.. 11 dogs..i could only name some like Rocky, Swift, Lara, Kyra and one very funny name, Anus.. lol.. then another 3 hardcore dogs.. bring them out to de-kit.. first time i saw one dog who pee is like turning on the tap.. i was waiting there for 40 secs and the pee was so much that it take some time for it to sink to the exercise area. same dog again, who decided to shit also.. the shit was like a big bubble gum.. blue greenish brown..

got one dog..walk very gracefully.. like a horse.. the tail is up as the dog walk.. quite a beauty to see..

still got some more coming in.. overall there will be 35 new dogs coming in.. 14 have came..

yesterday did baiting.. overall experience was quite fun.. but been a first timer was quite scary... my right hand is very numb because i have to push the dog but the dog go against it..

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